Node.js ist eine serverseitiges Webframework mit dem man Routing, Middleware, Statische Daten, Authentifizierung und Datenbankanbindung umsetzen kann. Asynchronität und Performance machen Echtzeitanforderungen zum Kinderspiel – bei einem kleinen Server-Footprint und hoher Skalierbarkeit.
How Node.js Applications Work
Aspects of Node.js Development
Installing Node.js
Programming for the Node.js Event Loop
Spawning a Child Process
Capturing Data from an EventEmitter
Reading and Writing Files Asynchronously
The Two Phases of a Node.js Program
Listening for Socket Connections
Implementing a Messaging Protocol
Creating Socket Client Connections
Testing Network Application Functionality
Extending Core Classes in Custom Modules
Developing Unit Tests With Mocha
Installing ØMQ
Message-Publishing and -Subscribing
Responding to Requests
Routing and Dealing Messages
Clustering Node.js Processes
Pushing and Pulling Messages
Procuring External Data
Behavior-Driven Development with Mocha and Chai
Extracting Data from XML with Cheerio
Processing Data Files Sequentially
Debugging Tests with Chrome DevTools
Introducing Elasticsearch
Creating a Command Line Program in Node.js with Commander